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Pennant Markers

Marking utilities in tall grass with a standard marking flag is often an exercise in futility. What’s the point in locating and marking a utility if you can’t see the locate flag?
Our Pennant Markers are the perfect solution to meet your tall grass marking needs!
The Pennant Marker is also an excellent option for marking drain tile!
Our standard Pennant Marker is a 5/16” White Fiberglass Rod with 9x12 Pennant Flag and a pointed tip for easy insertion. 
Standard lengths are 5’ or 8' but we can have access to 4’ and 6’ lengths. Call for pricing!
The Pennant Marker is also available with an orange rod.

Pennant Flag Material - All colors are made of 18oz vinyl coated polyester with the exception of orange which is a 10oz vinyl coated polyester.

Select marker length and pennant color below.