Locate Live Gas Mains With Jameson’s Electro Fusion Vertical Insertion Tee
- Traceable Rodder Features 1/4” Fiberglass Rod With Tracer Wire and Stuffing Box
- Use With Cable Locator To Trace Gas Main From Above Ground
- No Blow-By While Feeding Rod Into Live Main up to 125 PSI
- Accessory Kit Mounts To Rodder Frame and Includes: Stuffing Box, Grounding Cable With Clips, O-Rings, Rod Lubricant, Hex Key Driver, Adhesive, End Ferrule, Spring Leader, Canvas Storage Bag
- Less Disruption To Roads And Landscapes
- Minimal Pavement Breakage, Excavation And Restoration
Main Gas Line Tracer Kit
Includes: 1/4" x 600' Locating Rodder with Stuffing Box and Accessory Kit
(pictured with Insertion Tee & assembly - not included)