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Kit -1/4" Glow Rods, Three 6'

Kit -1/4" Glow Rods, Three 6'

1/4” Glow Rod Kit

The 1/4” rod is designed for long spans where rigidity is needed to cover the distance.
Total Rod Length: 24’
Minimum Bend Radius: 6” 

The perfect non-conductive solution to push or pull wire or cable. Made of luminescent fiberglass, sectional push rods glow in the dark, making it easier to fish in dark walls, ceilings, crawl spaces and floors.

Threaded sections make it easy to customize rod length and our accessories offer the versatility to handle any wiring situation.

Kit Contains: 

  • Three 6’ X 1/4” Rods
  • Two 3’ X 1/4” Rods
  • One Bullet Nose with Eyelet
  • One Hook 
  • SKU: JAM-7-36-23T
  • $53.95